COVID-19 Update for Level 2 – Update 11/9/2020
Kia ora Pet Parents,
Like the government announced on 11/8 most of New Zealand enter Level 2 again. Acting with caution is the best protection. We are stills open In Level 2 and with all services available .

The following precautions will be taken in Level 2 to lower the risk low for our staff and you:
- When you visit us, you may notice a sign informing you that we are not currently shaking hands. Please don’t consider this impolite; we only want to be careful for everyone’s interest.
- While appointments are not required within Open Hours to pick up and drop off your pets. We recommend that you give us an approx. time for faster check-in and check-out.
- Please leave your car one at a time, a vehicle in the parking circle means someone else is already here. In this case please wait in your car, until the current customer leaves.
- Our contact-less hand-over procedures are in effect again for the time of Alert Level 2. Hand-over of cats will be next to the cattery at our “Cat Parking Station”. The hand-over of dogs will be at the Driveway at our “Dog Parking Station”. Please use the plastic bins provided by each station to place any food, paperwork or personal items for your pet.
- If you have arrived from a region that is under Level 3 (Auckland Supercity) or from the Waikato Area please let us know in advance and wear a mask for the time you are on our property.
- Please use the possibility of sending Vaccination Records, food Instructions and other information via our Online Booking System or via E-Mail in advance.
- For Pet Owners that already in our Online Booking System, we automatically keep track of your visits. Please fill in the details online or in our contact tracing booking on arrival for anyone else that is accompanying you.
- When you arrive, please keep a “physical distance” to any other person of at least 1 Metre.
- A Hand Sanitizer Dispenser is available at the Pet Parking Stations for your use.
- For Dog Day Care, special handling procedures are in place.
- Currently payments via EFTPOS, Credit Card, Cash or Check are not possible. Please pay via Direct Debit. We will send an invoice to you via email.
- We will be offering tours of our Dog Area and the Cattery again, but we ask that you please bring a mask or face covering to wear.
We will continue to follow our strict cleaning procedures including the use of PPE, and like always, we use professional products and clean our facility. on a regular basis. When you like to learn more, see our FAQ.
We continue to work hard so that your pet has a great time with us and that includes that we take all measurements so that our customers and the staff of Marys PetVilla stay healthy. We will closely monitor the development and the recommendations by the Ministry of Health and MPI and may take additional measures if required.
Best wishes from the Team at Marys PetVilla
Last Updates: 13/08/2020, 10am. The latest changes are marked in italic font