
A Happy Guy Fawkes for you and your pets!

We realise that Guy Fawkes is not always as fun for our pets as it is for humans. And this year we want to help you all to be aware and get prepared well ahead of time.

Pets vary in how worried or scared they get with the sounds and lights of fireworks and there are a range of ways to help them out. 

Some pets manage with just a few changes around the household:

  • Provide a den or hiding place where your pet can feel safe.  Try not to leave your pets alone.
  • Walk and toilet your pet during the day rather than the evening to reduce the possibility of fireworks being set off while close by.
  • Make sure all windows, doors and cat flaps are closed during the fireworks, to reduce the chance of escape.
  • If possible attempt to distract your dog with training tasks, new toys, play or delectable food treats or chews.  If petting calms your dog then that is okay.  Do not punish your pet!
  • Draw the curtains and switch on the TV to mask the noise of fireworks.
  • ID – make sure your dog or cat has a collar with up to date contact details and register the Microchip with NZCAR.

Some pets may require medications to help calm them. Ask your vet. There is a variety of calming treatments which can be prescribed after discussion with a vet nurse.

Of course, it is an option as well to bring your Pet over the Weekend to Marys PetVilla. We are in a rural setting and here is no Fireworks nearby. For Dogs, we are already full, but still space available for Cats, Rabbits & Guinea Pigs. 

We like to thanks Matamata Vets for the right to use their Information.